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Andersen, Eric. 2012. “In Mezzo a Quattro Tempi.” In Word Events: Perspectives on Verbal Notation, edited by John Lely and James Saunders, 79–82. London: Continuum. Anderson, Michael L. 2003. “Embodied Cognition: A Field Guide.” Artificial Intelligence 149...

Chapter 00

Chapter 0: The Ground

...score to create dynamism; rather she uses it to modulate ongoing dynamism 4 and changes it in the process. In this sense, Tactile Paths de-emphasizes the peremptory aspect of notation underlined by Cardew and instead stresses the exploration of those...

Chapter 05

Say No Score: a Lexical Improvisation after Bob Ostertag

A Score can become a notch cut or line, an account kept, number of points made, set of twenty, a topic, piece of good fortune, worst in repartee, and much more. And not to forget a Partitura from...

Chapter 03

Entextualization and Preparation in Patterson’s Variations for Double-Bass

...below the line “pizzicato Rigoletto full”. In comparison to the relatively minor effects of notational unclarity on the clothespin preparations, Variation X’s problems are significant; completely different actions are described. The question is not merely how but what the performer...

Chapter 04

Invitation to Collaborate — Répondez s’il vous plaît!

...begins; and its route through the diagram. Through these factors, the model makes visible what scores do – their effects on the whole creative process. For Halprin, an important consequence of visualizing scores’ behavior is the ability to identify whether...

Chapter Ω

Chapter Ω

...reflect the hybridity of current contemporary and experimental music practice, as evidenced by the music discussed in Tactile Paths, and deincentivizes shared discourse across stylistic and methodological boundaries. The negative economic effects for artists and the negative social effects for...

Chapter 01

Seeing the Full Sounding

...David explains through scene narrative, “impart[ing] technique through evoking the cultural context of this journey” (187) of cooking the chicken. Benshaw’s minimalistic and poetic recipe 4 uses metaphors “in order to give each action heavy symbolic weight” (193). In all...


...Darmstadt Summer Courses, the Arts Council of Catalunya, Goethe Institut, Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin, the Festival Acanthes, and the American Documentary Film Festival. He also co-curates the Berlin concert series KONTRAKLANG, and works with sound experience designer Charles Morrow Productions.

Chapter 02

A Treatise Remix Handbook symbols on the page. These tempi can therefore be considered to be moderate. Both the positive and negative effects of moderate tempi became clear to me when listening to Sonic Youth’s recording of p. 183. This performance is remarkable...


...Please send comments, criticism, etc. to christopherisnow [at] gmail [dot] com...