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Chapter 03

Entextualization and Preparation in Patterson’s Variations for Double-Bass

...lies “outside” the score, and requires a more flexible view for the performer to find a coherent way forward. I start with Patterson’s instructions on p. 1: pitches, dynamics, durations and number of sounds to be produced in any one...

Chapter 00

Chapter 0: The Ground

...same piece to begin with. Research Questions Despite these nominal failures, the exercise of writing Apples produced a number of new, more nuanced questions from which creative possibilities, collaborations, and extended reflections have emerged ever since: What aspects of improvising...

Chapter 05

Say No Score: a Lexical Improvisation after Bob Ostertag

...A Score can become a notch cut or line, an account kept, number of points made, set of twenty, a topic, piece of good fortune, worst in repartee, and much more. And not to forget a Partitura from the...

Chapter 02

A Treatise Remix Handbook

...realizations of p. 1 – Cardew directing the American premiere, QuaX Ensemble, and Art Lange – last respectively 4:30, 3:30, and 2:00. The number 34 at the beginning of p. 1, interpreted in all three versions as sustained chords, lasts...

Chapter 04

Invitation to Collaborate — Répondez s’il vous plaît!

...Notation is an invitation to collaborate. 1 In the planning of communities a score visible to all the people allows each one of us to respond, to find our own input, to influence before decisions are made. Scoring makes...

Chapter 01

Seeing the Full Sounding my physical potentials and visa versa, but as soon as I try to define these separately I run into problems. 1 Language struggles with depicting physical action, and nowhere is this struggle more evident than in language that tells...

Chapter Ω

Chapter Ω not by any means exhaustively represent the field of notation for improvisers. Nor do they represent, as I explain in Chapter 0 (“Objectives and Criteria”), the potentially infinite number of subcategories imaginable within the field. Rather, I believe they...